If you have recently won a personal injury lawsuit or a worker's compensation claim you might be faced with the dilemma of choosing between a lump sum and a structured settlement. With the settlement option you will receive periodic payments over a period of time. Both the options have their pros and cons and the choice is subject to individual circumstances. For example if you have deep debts which require fast cash you can choose the lump sum. You may even choose lump sum payments if you are confident that you will invest it right. However the temptation to spend all the money you receive through these payments might be greater and you might end up squandering your money over things you don't need.
Is Structured Settlement Payment the Best Option?
If you choose this option, you can organize and divide your settlement in a way that offers a certain portion of the payment immediately and spread the rest of the payment over time. The payments are predictable and this option is now being recognized as great options for long lasting income. The Congress has also showed its support towards this option by exempting them from federal and state taxation.
You can choose to structure it for any number of years. However this form of payment brings with it the inflexibility to use your money over the years. But with the help of an experienced company you can sell your settlements and enjoy the financial freedom you need.
Every individual case has personal considerations which will help determine the right choice. It is best to discuss with an expert the pros and cons of both the options for your case before you choose.
Do you want to selling structured settlement? Fairfield Funding will help you sell your annuity or sell your structured settlement payments for cash now.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5024240
+ comments + 1 comments
Great post. I just got a structured settlement and my parents think I should sell my structured settlement payments so I can have all the money at once. Thanks for sharing, this has been very helpful.
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