You can sell a structured settlement and get all your money now rather than waiting for the term of the structured agreement. Lawsuits sometimes result in very large monetary awards, and these are set up on a payment schedule of years, decades, or even a lifetime. The recipient gets a portion every month or year, instead of a big lump sum at once. This can help avoid or reduce taxes, and also assures the recipient of a guaranteed income for that period of time.
If you opt to sell your settlement, all or part of it, to one of these companies, you can receive a large amount of money now instead of waiting for it to arrive over all those months or years. You would then lose your guaranteed income arrangement, but if you need a big sum to buy a house, go to college, or for other major expenses, it may be worthwhile to do this advance.
Simply, the company advances you money against your legal agreement for settlement payouts, or your annuity income. They then get the payments, and you get a reduced amount of cash now. Their fees usually range from ten to thirty percent of the cash amount, just like a small payday loan. But, you do not pay it back, when you sell a structured settlement to them, they will receive the payments over time.
They charge a good fee, because they are taking the risk that inflation will reduce the value of that money over time, as is normal over time. But they make a profit, and you get your money. If you need the money, the decision to sell a structured settlement or annuity is a good one.
Structured settlements can be very large amounts that have been awarded or settled on during personal injury lawsuits, like malpractice, accident injuries, product defects, or wrongful death. The structure is there to help the victim, and in many states you must get a judge to approve any sale of a structured settlement. This is only for your protection.
There are many companies that you can sell a structured settlement to; just browse around the Internet and you will see many. Check some of them out, and investigate for the best offers. You may find that lesser-known companies are offering better terms than companies like JG Wentworth or Peachtree. Consider whether you need to sell the entire amount or just part of it. It is very nice to know that you will have a guaranteed income coming in for the length of any agreement. If you opt for a full lump sum, you will be on your own, and responsible for handling the money.
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