Energy Efficiency - Electric heaters are head and shoulders over gas heaters when it comes to saving up on energy costs. Because electric-powered tanks are designed to properly direct electricity towards heating the water, this makes them without peer in proper utilization of energy. Compared to electric units, a gas water heater's efficiency is roughly seventy percent of the former, largely due to the chemical elements used to heat the water.
Lifespan - Again, the edge goes to electric heating devices - gas-powered heaters would be more susceptible to corrosion, which could cause the inner portion of the tank to succumb to wear and tear faster than the tank on an electric device. The amount of "soft water" (i.e. water that does not contain calcium deposits) in your water supply can also be a determining factor - regardless of the type of water heater you are using, calcium can accelerate the depreciation process of your unit.
Cost to Purchase - Natural gas heaters cost only about $200, as compared to electric heaters which could cost $500 at the very least. Without a doubt, if you're looking to save money, a gas heater is the ideal choice.
Costs of Installation - The cost of installation would typically be less for an electric heater compared to a gas unit. Natural gas units require more precise and meticulous installation, again given the chemicals involved in operating these units, and would usually need to be installed by a qualified electrician. Electricians may also be tasked to install electric units, but not as often as one would be needed to install a gas water heater.
Costs of Operation - It would all depend, really, on the average yearly costs to operate each type of unit. Prices for both gasoline and electricity can tend to be fickle, and there is no one hundred percent accurate way to forecast how much it would cost to operate a gas or electric water heater over the next few years it is expected to last. As such, neither has a definite edge.
Environmental Safety - Many environmentally conscious individuals prefer electric heaters as they do not give off harmful emissions - none at all! Natural gas may be a very safe fossil fuel for most users; however heaters powered by natural gas do release a tiny amount of carbon emissions.
Conclusion - Given the following five factors, it is safe to say that electric water heaters have more advantages over heaters that make use of natural gas. But at the end of the day, the decision lies in your hands. Just make sure you research all your options because when it comes to purchasing heaters, or any other item for that matter, a little research can go a very long way.
For more information about water heaters, please visit Calgary Water Heaters.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6786547
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