Compare Gas and Electricity Tariffs

Monday, August 13, 20120 comments

The current economic situation has motivated people to be more conservative in their spending habits. Nowadays, people are more likely to compare gas and electricity prices from various vendors before settling for a particular supplier. The ongoing crisis in the Middle East has lead to yet another increase in the fuel prices placing further burden on the public; making it more likely for consumers to compare gas and electricity prices from different suppliers before the start of the summer season. Here are some helpful tips to use before you compare gas and electricity prices online.

1. Survey the Market Periodically

Consumers should make periodic survey of the market and compare gas and electricity prices from various suppliers in their area. A supplier that was cheap last year might not necessarily be the cheapest one this year. So it is a good idea to compare gas and electricity prices from various companies at least once a year before you renew your annual subscription.

2. Energy Pricing

Be up to date with the current energy pricing. Normally, all the major suppliers change their energy pricing around the same time. It is worthwhile to compare gas and electricity pricing from various suppliers from time to time to find the deal that suits you best. Be on the lookout for special deals targeted for specific consumer groups.

3. Method of Payment

While it is important to compare gas and electricity prices to find the best deal, the method of bill payment is an equally important aspect that can help you save a considerable amount on your bills. Many suppliers offer incentive deals on different modes of payment. Check if your credit card companies offer exclusive discount deals for utility bill payments. Some suppliers offer discount if you opt for a monthly or bimonthly payment plan. Ask your suppliers if they have a similar payment option.

4. Online Energy Calculator Services

Several websites offer free energy calculator services that compare prices from various vendors. They ask you to enter your total annual energy consumption, your zip code and your current supplier. If you don't know your exact total consumption, the calculator can give you an estimate based on the number of rooms and appliances in your house. These energy calculators compare prices from various suppliers and list the amount you can save on your current consumption if you switch your vendor. It is totally worth the effort to compare prices before you renew your subscription.

5. Read the Fine Print Before You Decide to Switch

If you compare prices and find a supplier cheaper than your current one, you need to make sure that leaving your current supplier won't entail a fee or leaving charge.

The internet has made it very easy to compare gas and electricity prices of various vendors. It is just a matter of a few clicks and you can compare gas and electricity prices on your screens while sitting at home.

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